Alvilda Gurli Gris Leg og Lær med Gurli Gris - Gurlis Bog om Følelser

할인 가격$15.06

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Feelings can sometimes be difficult to articulate.

So wouldn't it be nice to have someone you know with you who can help?

Gurli Gris can help to get children to start talking about what feelings are hidden in the stomach.

In addition, there are also flaps in the book, so that perhaps a greater understanding can come that you can actually feel one way, and suddenly you can feel another way.

But that's perfectly okay - because we can't always control our emotions ourselves.

The most important thing is that we learn to articulate how we feel, so that we can talk about it.

So Gurli Gris and her friends are ready to join in!


  • From 3 years
  • Danish language
SKU: 201181